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From Sea to Stream

Fishing is not merely a means of putting food on the table. As gratifying as it is to cap off a successful outing by the grill, indulging in a couple ice-cold IPAs and preparing your fresh-caught fillets with family and friends, the truth that all anglers know is that these are not necessarily the moments that we wake up before first light or make several hour treks for. For many, including myself, witnessing the splendor and beauty that encompasses everything truly wild is enough to keep me out there. 

Any true angler, like all outdoorsmen, has developed a genuine respect and adoration for all wildlife; and I welcome all of those who agree. 

 I have spent my entire life pursuing nearly all forms of fishing that the American Northeast has to offer, and I plan on sharing the stories, tactics, news, and pretty much anything an aspiring angler might want to know. Whether you target brookies and browns in cool mountain streams, brave high seas to reach the bluefin grounds, or anything in between, this blog will feature something that fits your interest. 

I will be including various tactics that have often brought me success, and hope they will bring you similar results. Remember to make responsible and ethical decisions when out on the water in order to preserve the state of our fisheries and wildlife for future generations to enjoy. Any comments or questions feel free to contact me, info provided below. 

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Debunking Saltwater Fishing Myths

Although there is no exact science to fishing, there are plenty of concepts that will inhibit your success on the water much more than it...

Catching Your Own Baits

There are many occasions where buying your bait from a tackle shop is the most efficient way of collecting them, but if you want to save...

The “Social Distancing” Largemouth Tournament

This post goes out not just to aspiring anglers, but every sports fan in the country. The on-going spread of COVID-19 has likely affected...

Bringing Back the Bass

The first blog I posted on this site discussed my concern over the dwindling numbers of striped bass, and now there is a potential answer...

Spring Time Squidding

The month of May on Cape Cod brings tautog fillets and plenty of fried calamari. A precursor to the predatory schools of striped bass and...

We Are Running Out of Fishermen

The number of hunters and anglers in the United States has been declining over the past couple decades. Every fishing and hunting license...

Tautog: Perfectly Ugly

There is an abundance of hard fighting, great tasting, and beautiful game fish that live throughout our northeastern seas and everybody...

Top 5 Casting Striper Plugs

Over the past several years I have used a countless array of baits when casting for striped bass and have spent more time testing these...

Eat More Bluefish

One of the common debates I hear regarding coastal fishing along the northeast is whether or not bluefish are a quality eating fish....

Winter Wonders

Every year, winter’s biting winds, piercing snow, and sheets of ice limit us to only a few options for winter fishing. Ice fishing is a...

Northern Gators

For those of us living in the northeast, or any of the thirty-two states that support Northern Pike, there are prehistoric predators...

The New Wave Fishing Craft

When I have the time for it I enjoy exploring my way along the bank of various lakes, beaches, or rivers; fishing rod in hand and tackle...

Striped Bass: A Coastal Icon

One especially warm yet unforgettable day in July more than a decade ago my father and I were patrolling a rocky stretch of Naushon’s...

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